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The New Norm is TV streaming. Should You Go Smart? Yes!

03 January, 2022

The question whether television has a future has undergone intense debates, with some claiming that the TV era is at its twilight, and others arguing that television is adapting to a new kind of reality based on streaming services. Cable TV is definitely not what it used to be. By 2020, nearly a quarter of American households had canceled their TV subscriptions. And by 2024, 35% of all homes are expected to cut ties with cable, giving preference to streaming giants such as Netflix.

The TV is now more of an internet outlet; a continuation of smart technology, or even an all-inclusive device that offers a whole bunch of features. Watching TV isn’t about catching up on the latest reruns of Married with Children anymore, or watching the evening news. All of that can be done online, regardless of when you choose to watch. At one point, it felt like people don't even want TV anymore, but as they got smarter, cheaper and more convenient to use, the modern TV set is enjoying a small renaissance. However, even though the price tag had gone down, TVs are still considered to be a pricier investment, and often purchased during Christmas holidays.


Luckily, people have saved up a lot of money during the pandemic (especially Europeans), which allows more flexibility in buying pricier Christmas gifts. Germany’s been enjoying a 20% growth in smart TV sales in 2020, with figures going further going 4% in 2021. There’s also a worldwide trend of investing in larger TV sets, as they enable a more cinema-like watching experience. As expensive as big screens might seem, you have a pretty good chance at scoring good deals during Black Friday, Cyber Monday or even throughout January’s post-holiday sales. So, if you’re still wondering if TVs are worth it, we’ll help you out – it’s a wonderful investment that enhances visual entertainment quality while bringing the family closer together. Some might think of TVs as outdated gadgets, but in reality, it’s still the modern equivalent of a household fireplace, and a great excuse to meet up!

When should you buy a new TV set is up to you; however the general consensus is that if it works and does its job, you’ll be fine. Rough estimates show that sets are replaced every 7-8 years. HERE’S WHEN YOU REALLY SHOULD BUY A SMART TV:

  • TV is having technical issues, or is too old to connect to streaming services.
  • You want a larger TV.
  • Attractive price-match policy during sales.

By the way, Mobile Center has been meticulously following these trends, which will reflect on their future sales. Starting 2022, eSTAR TVs will feature Android functionality complete with Google, Netflix support, and a whole array of smart features, including compatibility with game consoles and other external gadgets. Statistics show a clear shift towards smart TVs, with global smart TV sales set to increase 21% by 2024. What does that show us? Well, it’s just a simple fact that we must adapt to customer needs and offer a product that reflects modern society. Happy streaming everyone!